Juan Naranjo Galeria & Documentos de Arte, has the pleasure to invite you to Philosophical Coffee , Avant-garde, anti-art and revolution: the situationism, which will involve philosophers Gonçal Mayos and Yanko Moyano. The encounter will take place on November 14th, at 19.00 h at Casanova St. 136-138, B-3, Barcelona.

Recently the philosophical cafes have changed the format of philosophical expositions, recovering the most original practice of the discipline, dialogue. On this occasion Gonçal Mayos and Yanko Moyano will talk about the Situationist International (1958-1972), an organization of artists and revolutionary intellectuals who considered the radical transformation of society and the creation of a new world as the most beautiful and sublime artwork. Specially, the two philosophers will discuss the history, the meaning and the great influence of the situationism on recent social and political movements. The event is part of the Barcelona Pensa Festival activities and is organized by Juan Naranjo Galeria & Documentos de Arte in collaboration with the Vice-rectorade of Institutionals Relations and Culture and the Department of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona (UB).

Gonçal Mayos and Yanko Moyano are both philosophers, who have collaborated in GIRCHE (International Research Group (‘Culture, History and State ‘) and in books Filosofía para indignados  (specially dedicated to situatinism), *Postdisciplinariedad y desarrollo humano* and *Pensadores en clave macrofilosófica*.